Forum Forum Covid-19: Business Resources Canada Summer Jobs Program Enhancement

  • Canada Summer Jobs Program Enhancement

  • Veronica

    May 19, 2020 at 6:58 am

    Hi there, I run a
    communications company in the area and I’d like to know how do I apply for
    Canada Summer Jobs Program, since I have heard employers can receive 100% of minimum
    hourly wage if they hire a student during the summer of 2020? Can you provide more details on the program?

    • This discussion was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  Veronica.
  • Laura

    May 19, 2020 at 7:09 am

    Hi Veronica, thank you for your inquiry.

    Here is some important information about Canada Summer Job Program:

    · CSJ is a government program that gives funding to eligible employers in order to encourage them to hire youth (15-30 years of age) for summer jobs, by subsidizing their wage. The youth does not necessarily have to be a student to be eligible. The program is run once a year and the application is usually due before the end of February. For more information, visit

    · The interested employer needs to fill out an Application Form, that collects information from them, such as related to their organization’s health and safety practices, work environment policies, supervision and mentoring plans, skills development plan, and other details related to both the applicant organization and the proposed job(s).

    Although the call for applications for the 2020 season is now closed, however, given the temporary flexibility for CSJ in response to the COVID-19 situation, your local MP will be able to recommend businesses they deem as an essential service in their communities for consideration to be late applicants into the CSJ Program. Even though the government has not announced if there is an application system available to date, if you would like your local MP to consider you for the future application, we encourage you to write them a letter explaining your situation as an essential service and how this program could benefit you and your community. Check out also:

    I hope this information helps,

    All the best.

    • Jerry

      May 19, 2020 at 7:13 am

      Hi Laura, what happens if I have already applied for CSJ
      back in February 2020? When will I know if I my application has been approved?
      And how will the changes in current situation of CSJ affect my initial application?

      • Laura

        May 19, 2020 at 7:27 am

        Hi Jerry,

        Great to hear you have already applied to such a great funding program. I hope you will find out soon if your application has been approved. In the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic not all funding decisions have been finalized.

        Although they will contact you via email (the one you provided in your application), you can also check regularly the list of employers approved for funding available on the Canada Summer Jobs 2020: Employers that have been approved for funding web page.

        Given the temporary flexibility for CSJ in response to the COVID-19 situation, these are the changes in the program terms:

        Private and public sector employers can now receive up to 100% of the provincial minimum hourly wage for each employee they hired for the funded jobs (jobs included in the CSJ applications and approved (instead of the previous 50%)

        Employers will be allowed to hire staff on a part-time basis (fewer than 30 hrs/week) (previously, all CSJ-funded employment had to be full time – a minimum of 30 hours per week for at least 6 weeks).

        Agreed upon contract can be initiated beginning May 11, 2020 (or as soon as you receive the approval of your CSJ application) and extended to February 28, 2021 (previously, all CSJ-funded positions had to be completed no later than August 28, 2020)

        All funded employers will be provided the flexibility to amend project and job activities to support the delivery of critical services.

        Potential adjustments to existing project and job activities could include:

        • community
          programming: a shift away from in-person activities to the use of
          digital tools for the delivery of programming
        • service
          industry: a shift away from in-person service to take-out and
        • administrative
          positions: a shift to the use of available remote and telework
        • support
          for vulnerable populations: a shift to activities to support
          populations facing new vulnerabilities under COVID-19, such as seniors or
          persons with disabilities, including the delivery of necessities or
          assistance with adaptive technology
        • retail
          services: a shift away from in-person and in-store roles to remote
          and delivery roles


        Good luck.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  Laura.

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